On June the 1st I woke up and had a sip of my hot chocolate in my mug. It had fluffy marshmallows in it that made it yummy. I went and got my bag and got my pencil case with my pens in it .Then I got my Maths book to answer my eleven times table questions.
After that I listened to music through my headphones from my Ipod , the song was called Be Happy. I had a nice healthy salad. I next went for a bike ride and popped on my helmet and went for a ride around the neighbourhood. On the way back I saw a friend and had a little chat. When I got back I had a muesli bar then finished off my eleven times tables.
After I did my maths I went on my laptop to relax and I watched a movie called The Lama Next Door, it was super funny .
I put my pencil case back with my pens, my maths book, my headphones, my laptop back in my bag and put my helmet and bike in the shed, and went to have dinner and finished homeschooling for the day.