Today in Tui class we have been learning about famous people over the world like Sir Edmund Hillary and Jean Batten. On a slide we had to create a 200$ note and if you can see at the bottom I created mine and I think I did good.We got into groups and each group had a person and one group got the Queen and Kate Sheppard and other people. Our group got Sir Apirana Ngata and did you know that he encouraged Maori to keep their culture. If you look very close you will see letters that say RBNZ that stands for Reserve Bank of New Zealand) and his land mark is a Marae.I chose the kakapo because they never give up on something.

by Josie💕
Great design Josie, I love the colour you chose - it is very different to the other NZ notes we already have. I would love to know more about why you thought Sophie Pascoe was NOTE-worthy enough to go on your $200 note 😊